Capitalise on the positioning of Hong Kong for career development: In line with Hong Kong’s positioning of developing into the “eight centres”, adopt a multi-pronged approach to enhance young people’s understanding of the development of "eight centres" and related opportunities, and at the same time providing them with more internship, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in relevant fields
Support diversified career development:
Apart from industries relating to the “eight centres”, relevant employment and development opportunities will be provided to young people who wish to pursue their careers in other industries
- The Government will take the lead in providing over 3 000 short-term internship placements each year in various bureaux, departments and public organisations to enable students and young people to gain early exposure and understanding of government operations, including various types of professional, administrative, managerial, support and disciplined services work

Enhance employability of young people:
- The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) provides full-time placement-tied courses covering various industries to address the employment needs of young people and enhance their vocational skills
- The Labour Department is exploring with the ERB to strengthen collaboration on pre-employment and on-the-job training under the Youth Employment and Training Programme
Enhance higher education to support future development:
- Increasing the ratio of students in UGC-funded universities studying STEAM subjects and subjects relevant to Hong Kong’s development into the “eight centres” under the National 14th Five-Year Plan
- Increasing the number of UGC-funded research postgraduate places
Support continuing education for youth:
- Exploring and considering to further enhance the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) by way of raising the subsidy ceiling and expanding the scope of recognised courses

Facilitate young people’s integration into the overall development of our country and
enhance dissemination of information:
- Enhancing and regularising “Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme”
- Disseminating more information about the GBA development through various online and offline platforms

Encourage innovation and entrepreneurship:
- Providing young people who aspire to start their own business with comprehensive and appropriate support, including start-up capital subsidy and guiding services, through various schemes
- Enhancing and launching a new round of the Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
- Setting up an Alliance of Hong Kong Youth Innovative and Entrepreneurial Bases in the Greater Bay Area to establish a one-stop information, publicity and exchange platform
- Continue to support the organisation of local bazaars to create business opportunities for small business owners including young people

Address housing needs of young people:
- Continue to identify land for housing development and put in place a long-term plan to steadily increase supply
- Continue to implement the Youth Hostel Scheme to provide over 3 400 places in total
- Launching the “Youth Hostel Scheme - Subsidy Scheme for Using Hotels and Guesthouses as Youth Hostels”
- Supporting the Youth Hostel Scheme through land sale sites
- Re-launch of the “Starter Homes” Project for Hong Kong Residents